1. Empowering students to develop their potentials and attaining an all-round development.2. Encouraging students to work hard in their studies and to take an active part in co-curricular activities.3. Equipping students to be independent-minded individuals.4. Nurturing students to have proper attitudes with an awareness of the community.

Supervisor / Chairman of Management Committee Sister So Chiu Ho
School Head Mrs. Monica Fung Cheng Wai Yee
Finance Type Aided
Session Whole Day
Student Gender Girls
Sponsoring Body Sisters of the Precious Blood
Religion Catholicism
Year of Commencement of Operation 1966
School Motto Wisdom, Charity, Courage, Fulfilment
Area Occupied by the School About 3,318 Sq. M

S1 -
S2 -
S3 -
S4 -
S5 -
S6 -
Parent-Teacher Association Fee (Annual) "$50"
Student Union / Association Fee "$40"
Approved Charges for non-standard items Approved Collection for Specific Purpose ($300)
Other Charges 0

Number of teaching posts in the approved establishment 64
Total number of teachers in the school 65
Qualifications and professional training (%)
Teacher Certificate / Diploma in Education 97%
Bachelor Degree 0%
Master/ Doctorate Degree or above 60%
Special Education Training 52%
Years of Experience (%)
0 - 4 years 38%
5 - 9 years 8%
10 years or above 54%

S1 Number of classes 5
S2 Number of classes 5
S3 Number of classes 5
S4 Number of classes 5
S5 Number of classes 5
S6 Number of classes 5

S.1 - S.3
Chinese as the medium of instruction Chinese Language, Chinese History, Putonghua, Ethics & Religious Education
English as the medium of instruction English Language, Mathematics, Life & Society, Geography & History (F.1), Integrated Science (F.1 & F.2), History (F.2 & F.3), Geography (F.2 & F.3), ICT, Visual Arts, Music, PE, Technology & Living (F.1 & F.2), Biology (F.3), Chemistry (F.3), Physics (F.3)
Adopt a different medium of instruction by class or by group / school-based curriculum -
S.4 - S.6
Chinese as the medium of instruction Chinese Language, Chinese History, Ethics & Religious Education
English as the medium of instruction English Language, Mathematics, Citizenship and Social Development, History, Economics, BAFS, Geography, ICT, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, PE and Visual Arts
Adopt a different medium of instruction by class or by group / school-based curriculum Japanese

Language Policy Our school has adopted English as the medium of instruction in all subjects except Chinese subjects. For details, please refer to the subject offered in the 2023/24 school year. Our English teachers promote the use of English to students through English drama, enhancement course and enrichment course.
Learning and Teaching Strategies Our teachers are very experienced in teaching. We are committed to equipping our students with diversified knowledge, functional skills and proper attitudes which will help them lead a full life. Implementation of the curriculum guides of Curriculum Development Institute of the Education Bureau is made with adaptation to the capabilities and needs of our students. We emphasize interactive teaching methods and assessment for learning. We encourage participation in Extensive Reading Schemes for Chinese and English Language, Shared Reading promoted by the Reading Club, Reading Award Schemes, Open Reading Competitions and the Morning Reading Scheme with emphasis on reading English materials.
School-based curriculum 1. Electives: 3X. <br> 2. Curriculum highlights: Our school has started school-based curricula in the following subjects: Life & Society for junior levels and Ethics & Religious Education for all levels.
Approach to Catering for Learner Diversity Our school devises different learning and teaching strategies to cater for learner diversity. In Form 1 and Form 2, students are streamed into different ability groups in Chinese and English classes to enhance language learning and teaching. Numerous afterschool classes are provided, such as English enrichment courses, writing elite classes, speaking groups and remedial courses. Chinese and Mathematics enrichment and remedial courses are also provided. Our school also focuses on the all-round development of students. Different afterschool elite programmes and competitions are arranged for students to unleash their potentials in different areas.
Approach to Integrated Education Our school dedicates to develop Inclusive Education, using the whole school approach to support the students in special needs. By using the Learning Support Grant, our school provides appropriate supportive services to enhance the learning effectiveness of those students in needs and help them to integrate into school lives. Our school has developed a Student Support Team to provide professional guidance and counselling service to students in needs, facilitating them to learn and grow. The team members include our School Principal, Vice Principal, Guidance Mistress, Guidance Teachers, Social Workers, Educational Psychologist, Counseling Psychologist and Speech Therapist. Our school makes good use of the Learning Support Grant to provide appropriate training, guidance and special regulations to those students in needs, helping them to improve their social communication skills and learning abilities. Our school also values home-school co-operation. We develop an effective communication system with parents and support their children with appropriate strategies.
Education Support for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students
Home-School Co-operation We maintain a harmonious relationship with parents through good communication network of Parent-Teacher Association functions, parents' meetings, circulars and newsletters to parents.
School Ethos Adopt a whole school approach to discipline and guidance. Foster religious and spiritual development of students. Promote a healthy, caring and inclusive school culture. Nurture our students to be Trinitians with Wisdom, Charity, Courage, Fulfilment, Justice and Gratitude.
School Development Plan The school theme this year is “Think Positive, Live Positive”. By unleashing and developing our students’ potentials, we aim at nurturing their positive emotions and relationships to bolster students’ resilience during adversity.<br>Our school also incorporates blended learning into routine by integrating online learning into traditional classroom learning. It helps cater for learner diversity by facilitating learning at the students’ own pace and enhancing learning abilities.
Teacher Professional Training and Development Based on the school’s future development and major concerns, our school organizes at least three Staff Development Days in each academic year. All teachers are encouraged to enroll in training courses, workshops and seminars organized by the Education Bureau and universities.
Life-wide Learning Forty-eight clubs provide different kinds of co-curricular activities, ranging from religious, academic and sports activities to service and interest groups. To encourage students to participate in various kinds of activities and competitions, the Other Learning Experiences Logbook is used and the Academic & Activity Award Scheme is implemented to develop students’ potential so as to achieve a balanced development. The life-wide learning weeks also provide students with learning experiences outside school in different contexts.