Language Policy |
The main medium of instruction of our school is English. For details, please refer to the subjects offered in the 2023/24 school years. Students are given plenty of opportunities to take part in English activities. The English Department, the English Debating Club, the English Drama Club and the Reading Club organise different activities for them to join and learn English outside the classroom. Students are encouraged to explore their interest in English debate, English drama and reading, etc. Moreover, students have a chance to meet with authors and their counterparts from other countries, which allows them to use English in an authentic situation and increase their exposure to English in different context. |
Learning and Teaching Strategies |
Various learning and teaching strategies are adopted in our school to cater for students' diverse abilities and needs. Study skills workshops and pre-lesson learning tasks are employed to build up students’ self-directed learning culture. With the necessary skills, students can develop their self-study and peer assessment habits, which will, in turn, benefit their self-reflection and higher order thinking capabilities. Students are encouraged to extend their learning exposure through joining inter-school competitions, field studies and site visits. Our school will nominate eligible students to join programmes organized by tertiary institutions so that they can explore the world, identify their potentials and gain useful insights in career life planning. Above all, students can access eLearning platforms and apps to enrich their subject knowledge and cultivate a continuous learning habit. The school promotes teachers’ professionalism via joining learning clusters with her counterparts. Teachers enhance their professional effectiveness through collaborative lesson preparation. All subject departments adopt multiple modes of assessment and continuous assessment strategies to evaluate students’ learning progress. With timely feedback and constructive advice provided by teachers, students can better develop their generic skills and foster their learning motivation. |
School-based curriculum |
1. Electives: 3X. Our school adopts block timetabling to increase subject combinations.<br> 2. Curriculum highlights: Through the school-based English in Action – Integrated Skills Curriculum of English Language taught by the NET teacher in S1, elements of the four language skills are incorporated into the specially designed curriculum to enhance students' knowledge of language arts and language competency. "Artificial Intelligence" is integrated into the curriculum of Design & Technology and Computer Literacy. STEAM education is promoted through collaboration with various subject departments to develop students' generic skills. |
Approach to Catering for Learner Diversity |
Conducting tutorial classes for both high and low achievers, adjusting the teaching schedule through collaborative lesson preparation and using tailor-made learning and teaching materials are some of the measures that we use to cater for learner differences. As for support for student development, the Peer Counsellors Scheme, organized by the Counselling Team, helps the S.1 students deal with their academic and social needs so that they can enjoy a happy school life. To cater for the different learning needs of SEN students, prompt referral is always made. The school social workers and the teacher-in-charge work closely with the educational psychologist and the EDB to provide professional and appropriate support to students in need. |
Approach to Integrated Education |
The Whole School Approach has been adopted to cater for student diversity and SEN. Our school strategically arranged teachers to attend BAT courses to enhance the professional capacity of the teaching force. Our school flexibly deploys the Learning Support Grant and additional funding and resources to cater for student diversity by purchasing professional services. We also provide school-based speech therapy service. To cultivate an inclusive and supportive school culture, S1 Orientation Day Camp and Peer Counsellors Training Programme are held every year to promote respectful and supportive peer relationships. Curriculum and assessment accommodation, differentiated teaching strategies and homework arrangements are adopted to address the needs of individual students and to enhance their learning effectiveness. Regular meetings are held with EDB staff, the School-based Educational Psychologist and other experts to review the accommodation measures. Parents are encouraged to join meetings or workshops to discuss intervention programmes, draw up Individual Education Plan, evaluate the progress and the effectiveness and how to provide similar support for the students at home. |
Education Support for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students |
Home-School Co-operation |
The Parents' and Teachers' Association (PTA) of Chiu Lut Sau Memorial Secondary School was founded on 4th July 1993, with the objectives to strengthen parents’ communication and parent-teacher relationships, to support the school in educating students and to enhance students’ welfare. Every year, the PTA organizes various educational and recreational activities, such as Parents’ School, picnics and publishing newsletter. Besides, the parent volunteers contribute tremendously to home-school co-operation by actively participating and assisting in school activities. |
School Ethos |
Our school ethos is characterised by students' honesty, modesty and reverence, which account for the harmonious teacher-student relationship. We also emphasize the importance of nurturing students' self-discipline and creative thinking so as to ensure all-round education in moral, intellectual, physical, interpersonal and aesthetic fields. Under the guidance and support of the school social workers (posted to our school by the Scout Association of Hong Kong- The Friends of Scouting) and teachers of the Careers and Life Planning Team, the Counselling Team as well as the Discipline Team, our students enjoy a fulfilling school life and display a strong desire to strive for excellence. |
School Development Plan |
1. Empowering students to become active learners for lifelong learning.<br>2. Nurturing students’ positive values and attitude for personal growth. |
Teacher Professional Training and Development |
Our school support and encourage the teaching staff to attend professional development courses and seminars to enhance their professionalism and update their IT proficiency. Collaborative lesson preparation and peer lesson observation are also promoted among teachers. |
Life-wide Learning |
Our school provides students with the opportunities to gain Other Learning Experiences, including Student Union & Houses, aesthetic development, community service, physical development, career-related experiences, interest groups, students' exchange programmes and other extra-curricular activities. Amongst 37 ECA clubs and societies, students can choose to join the activities according to their abilities and interests. Students, divided into 4 houses, are actively involved in various inter-house academic and athletic competitions to vie for the Overall Championship. Thanks to the outstanding performance of our students, we won multiple awards in Inter-school Competitions (Yuen Long District) over the years. |