N.T. Heung Yee Kuk Yuen Long District Secondary School
N.T. Heung Yee Kuk Yuen Long District Secondary School

123 Kau Yuk Road, Yuen Long, N.T.

The school strives to provide students with all-round education to inspire them to become responsible citizens and to be enthusiastic learners, developing their potential to the fullest extent so that they may cope with the challenge of the fast-changing world.

Supervisor / Chairman of Management Committee Ms. LI Wai-bing, Vickie (PEO (New Territories East))
School Head Mr. Yuen Kwong-yip
Finance Type Government
Session Whole Day
Student Gender Co-educational
Sponsoring Body Education Bureau
Religion -
Year of Commencement of Operation 1967
School Motto (N.B. No English Translation)
Area Occupied by the School About 6,000 Sq. M

S1 -
S2 -
S3 -
S4 -
S5 -
S6 -
Parent-Teacher Association Fee (Annual) "$80"
Student Union / Association Fee -
Approved Charges for non-standard items -
Other Charges 0

Number of teaching posts in the approved establishment 54
Total number of teachers in the school 55
Qualifications and professional training (%)
Teacher Certificate / Diploma in Education 98%
Bachelor Degree 0%
Master/ Doctorate Degree or above 47%
Special Education Training 40%
Years of Experience (%)
0 - 4 years 13%
5 - 9 years 9%
10 years or above 78%

S1 Number of classes 4
S2 Number of classes 4
S3 Number of classes 5
S4 Number of classes 4
S5 Number of classes 4
S6 Number of classes 4

S.1 - S.3
Chinese as the medium of instruction Chinese Language, Putonghua, Chinese History
English as the medium of instruction English Language, Mathematics, Science (S.1, S.2 and S.3^), Computer Literacy, Technology for Life, Geography, History, Visual Arts, Music, Physical Education, Accounting and Economics (S.3)<br>^S.3 Science (Biology Module, Chemistry Module and Physics Module)
Adopt a different medium of instruction by class or by group / school-based curriculum Class Teacher Period, Reading to Learn
S.4 - S.6
Chinese as the medium of instruction Using Cantonese as the medium of instruction: Chinese Language, Chinese Literature (S.5 and S.6), Chinese History, Citizenship and Social Development
English as the medium of instruction English Language, Mathematics, Mathematics (Extended Part- Module 2), Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS), Economics, Geography, History, Visual Arts, Physical Education
Adopt a different medium of instruction by class or by group / school-based curriculum Class Teacher Period, Reading to Learn, Other Learning Experiences (OLE)

Language Policy English is used as the main medium of instruction. (Please refer to 'Subject offered' 2023/2024 and 2024/2025 for details.)
Learning and Teaching Strategies Our teaching staff is experienced teachers, possessing professional qualifications. They adopt interactive learning and teaching approaches. Various learning activities blended with different questioning techniques are utilized to inspire students' ways of thinking. Meanwhile, an enquiry approach is adopted to conduct project learning to encourage proactive learning among students and develop their generic skills. By encouraging students to actively engage in classroom learning activities, our school develops students' potential, helping them achieve the seven learning goals. With the establishment of our Safeguarding National Security and National Security Education Committee, our school has fully implemented national security education (NSE). We have deepened students' understanding of the nation, as well as strengthened their sense of national identity and law-abidingness by integrating the national security-related curriculum into the present syllabuses of different academic subjects according to the 'Curriculum Framework of National Security Education in Hong Kong', implementing national security education through national security-related learning and teaching activities, and building a positive atmosphere on campus.
School-based curriculum 1. Electives: 3X. (Please refer to 'Subject offered' 2023/2024 and 2024/2025 for details.)<br> 2. Curriculum highlights: A Class Teacher Period, in which a variety of activities with various themes are adopted, is conducted every cycle to help students develop positive values and attitudes. 'Reading to Learn' Period aims to promote reading for pleasure and help students develop a good reading habit. It helps widen their horizons and instill positive values in them. 'Other Learning Experiences' Period allows students to broaden their horizons and promotes whole-person development in five areas: Values Education, Community Service, Career-related Experiences, Aesthetic Development and Physical Development.
Approach to Catering for Learner Diversity Group teaching is adopted to facilitate learning and teaching of core subjects, i.e. Chinese, English and Mathematics in S.2 and S.3. After-school tutorial sessions, summer tutorial courses as well as remedial and enhancement programmes are well planned and implemented to cater for learner diversity. The school social workers and teachers of the Student Support Team work collaboratively to organize seminars, workshops, etc. to enhance students' confidence and motivation. Careers and Life Planning Team provides students with guidance and the latest information about work and studies. The Pre-S.1 Bridging Programme and Caring Ambassador Scheme are held to help newcomers adapt to their new secondary school life. Our school has implemented a dual class teacher system to address students' learning, social and emotional needs, supporting students in settling into their new school life. Class teachers work jointly with the Counselling teachers, school social workers and education psychologist to provide students facing various difficulties with appropriate assistance and support. Parents concerned are kept well informed so as to maintain good communication.
Approach to Integrated Education The school is committed to building an inclusive environment to cater for the educational needs of all students and to use school-based models to support students with special educational needs. Through home-school cooperation and resource allocation, the school provides students with appropriate and diversified support services to enhance their learning efficiency and communication skills which can help them integrate into campus life easily. The school has established the Student Support Team, which includes teachers and teaching assistants who have been trained in special education needs. The team maintains close contact with guidance teachers, discipline team teachers, language teachers, social workers, educational psychologists, speech therapists and the special education needs inspector of the Education Bureau. The team also works with other sections of the school to support students in need. The school flexibly allocates a variety of resources, including learning support grant, assessment services provided by the school-based speech therapist, Education Bureau and resident education psychologists, counseling services, and school-based integrated education programmes. The school provides special examination arrangements for students with special educational needs and helps them apply for the special examination arrangements in public examinations from the Examination Authority. Class teachers and all other teachers pay full attention to the students with special educational needs and assess their progress through classroom observation and academic performance. The school also purchases service such as music therapy services and communication skills training group to enhance the care for students with special educational needs.
Education Support for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students
Home-School Co-operation Our teachers keep close contact with parents through making regular phone calls, meetings, school activities, school website, newsletters and the like. Since the establishment of the Parents and Teachers Association in 1985, a variety of events have been held to enhance communication between the school and parents. For instance, picnics, talks and seminars for parents were held and scholarships funded by the PTA have also been established.
School Ethos The school atmosphere is harmonious, peaceful and joyful. Students are self-disciplined, motivated and diligent. A good rapport between students and teachers is established. The school emphasizes students' whole person development, encouraging them to achieve outstanding performance in the following areas: academic, conduct, other learning experiences and service. <br>Our students' outstanding performance has been recognized by the public. For years, many of our students have been selected as awardees in various outstanding selections including HKSAR Outstanding Students Selection, Grantham Scholars of the Year” Award, Students of the Year Awards organized by SCMP and New Territories Outstanding Students Selection. <br>The school provides a lot of opportunities for students to explore their potential to the fullest. Various exchange programs, including Mainland sister schools' visits, are held to deepen students' understanding of Chinese history and culture. Overseas trips and excursions relating to STEAM and English learning are also organized for students to widen their horizons and experience different cultures. <br>Students are devoted to serving the community through voluntary work and service while their good deeds are highly appreciated.<br>Our school aims to enable our students to become biliterate and trilingual, and develop their potential in physical and aesthetic domains.
School Development Plan 1. Optimizing the whole school approach to strengthening our professional learning community.<br>2. Promote students' wellness by nurturing their positive outlook in life.
Teacher Professional Training and Development Our school actively supports teachers to attend professional development courses, providing them with sufficient resources and various chances to enhance their professionalism. A series of Teachers' Professional Development Days are organized to offer good opportunities for teachers to take part in various training activities. The school also has encouraged teachers to foster a collaborative culture among the staff. For instance, collaborative lesson preparation is introduced in core subjects and Citizenship and Social Development; peer lesson observation is also implemented in individual subjects and across different subject disciplines. All these enhance teachers’ professionalism effectively and efficiently.
Life-wide Learning There are more than 40 clubs and teams. They are classified into four main domains: academic, interest, service and sports; providing students with various extra-curricular activities to enhance students' whole-person development. To nurture students' positive attitudes and promote healthy lifestyle, the 'One Person One Uniform Team' programme is introduced in S1.