Homantin Government Secondary School
Homantin Government Secondary School

8 Perth Street Homantin

Our school promotes whole-person education to help students develop their potentials to the full and contribute to society.

Supervisor / Chairman of Management Committee Mrs Conny Li (PEO (NTW))
School Head Ms Kong Pik Chi
Finance Type Government
Session Whole Day
Student Gender Co-educational
Sponsoring Body EDB
Religion -
Year of Commencement of Operation 1959
School Motto Striving persistently for self-enhancement
Area Occupied by the School About 5,000 Sq. M

S1 -
S2 -
S3 -
S4 -
S5 -
S6 -
Parent-Teacher Association Fee (Annual) "$100"
Student Union / Association Fee "$15"
Approved Charges for non-standard items $100 (SMI Fees)
Other Charges 0

Number of teaching posts in the approved establishment 55
Total number of teachers in the school 55
Qualifications and professional training (%)
Teacher Certificate / Diploma in Education 93%
Bachelor Degree 0%
Master/ Doctorate Degree or above 56%
Special Education Training 56%
Years of Experience (%)
0 - 4 years 11%
5 - 9 years 4%
10 years or above 85%

S1 Number of classes 4
S2 Number of classes 4
S3 Number of classes 4
S4 Number of classes 4
S5 Number of classes 4
S6 Number of classes 4

S.1 - S.3
Chinese as the medium of instruction Chinese Language, Putonghua, Chinese History, History*, Computer Literacy*, Design and Technology, Physical Education, Growth Education
English as the medium of instruction English Language
Adopt a different medium of instruction by class or by group / school-based curriculum Mathematics*, Integrated Science*, Geography*, Home Economics*, Visual Arts*, Music*
S.4 - S.6
Chinese as the medium of instruction Chinese Language, Citizenship and Social Development, History, Chinese History, Geography, Tourism and Hospitality Studies, Information and Communication Technology, Visual Arts (HKDSE Curriculum), Physical Education, Growth Education, Value Education
English as the medium of instruction English Language, Physics, Chemistry, Economics and B.A.F.S.
Adopt a different medium of instruction by class or by group / school-based curriculum Mathematics, Biology, Subject-related Activities, Diverse Learning Experience and Applied Learning

Language Policy Starting from the year 2010-2011, our school has implemented a school-based language policy. Lessons of major subjects are conducted in English in some junior classes while not more than 25% of the total lesson time of the remaining junior classes is allocated to English extended learning activities (ELA). We are devoted to creating an excellent language learning environment for students. Through multifarious co-curricular activities, we provide ample opportunities for students to reinforce their biliterate and trilingual ability in order to help them attain proficiency in both Chinese and English.
Learning and Teaching Strategies Our school has clear objectives and policies in curriculum development. Observing the student-oriented principle, a unique school-based curriculum is designed. For instance, STEM is implemented in junior secondary levels, cross-curriculum learning activities are designed, aiming at widening the horizons of junior form students and enriching their problem solving skills. For senior form students, broad and flexible subject selection is made possible as our school offers a wide range of science, arts and commercial subjects. This subject selection strategy is adopted with an aim to cater for the diversified interests among students and the needs for their further studies and career development. Our students possess a pro-active learning attitude and a good reading habit. They are also attentive in class, conscientious in accomplishing assignments and able to confidently conduct discussions in English. Students learn collaboratively through projects and have keen interests in exploring new ideas. Our teachers are professionals with very sound subject knowledge and conscientious manner. We have clear teaching objectives, which are revealed in their tactical use of a rich variety of teaching resources and IT facilities in helping students consolidate the concepts they grasp. Besides, through our "Peer Lesson Observation" and "Project-based Learning", the high-order thinking and creativity of students have flourished. This programme has effectively fostered an inquiring mind and ability in developing generic skills among students. To promote students' daily reading habits, morning reading sessions are held twice weekly. Chinese and English Extensive Reading Schemes and various reading programmes have been launched by our reading promotion team.
School-based curriculum 1. Electives: 2X. Students can select 2 subjects among 14 choices.<br> 2. Curriculum highlights: Our school offers a broad curriculum that covers various key learning areas and "STEM" is implemented in our school-based curriculum in S.1-S.3.
Approach to Catering for Learner Diversity Our school cultivates a caring and collaborative culture, encourages peer rapport and caters for individual differences. The level of difficulty of each exam paper is tailor-made to cater for the diverse ability in learning of students. Our counselling and discipline teams, the school social worker and the educational psychologist also work collaboratively to achieve the above aim. With an understanding and caring attitude, a range of tailor-made supportive programmes are designed in accordance with the needs of students, helping them in self realization and easing their stress whenever possible emotional or behavioural problems arise. Our school is dedicated to promote value education, life planning and leadership training to provide the best support for students and to unleash their potential.
Approach to Integrated Education Our school is committed to creating a caring and inclusive culture by adopting the “Whole School Approach” in hope of providing a favorable learning environment for students with Special Educational Needs (SEN). Through the use of the Learning Support Grant provided by the Education Bureau, our school offers a wide range of tailor-made services for SEN students to help them integrate into school life. The Counselling Team and SEN Team takes the initiative to approach SEN students, cater for their needs and provide them with individual and group counselling services, such as enhancement courses for less able students to consolidate their academic performance. Volunteer training programmes and after-school activities are also designed to strengthen students' learning ability, improve their communication skills, boost their self-confidence and encourage them to establish harmonious relationships with their peers. In addition, our school flexibly utilises the Grant to the full by employing additional staff, including a teaching assistant and a student counsellor, to provide meticulous care for each SEN student so as to ensure their learning attitude and social behavior are well conformed. The implementation of these measures is definitely to build up a caring and supportive learning environment for our SEN students.
Education Support for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students
Home-School Co-operation The school maintains a close relationship with parents. Two parent representatives are elected to participate in the formulation of school development policy in School Management Committee. Besides being PTA committee members, parents actively engage in various school functions including S.1 Adjustment Programme, morning reading sessions, morning assemblies, Speech Day, farewell parties for graduates, Swimming Gala and Sports Day. Our school is awarded the title of “Caring School” in the year 2010-2011, 2015-2016 and 2017-2018 respectively.
School Ethos The school promotes moral education systematically by adopting a whole school approach. We deliberately build a collaborative and caring culture. Students are able to learn and grow in a harmonious and democratic school environment with a good teacher-student rapport. These are instrumental building blocks for the development of positive values and outlooks on life, which enables students to broaden their horizons and shoulder the responsibility as a citizen.
School Development Plan 1. To promote the notion of self-management and good living habits, develop healthy lifestyle.<br>2. To enrich award scheme and encourage positive energy, which can promote a sense of appreciation among each other in school.<br>3. To develop good interpersonal relationship and team spirit, use a positive approach to handle and solve challenges in daily lives.<br>4. To enhance students' recognition of national identity and cultivate students' patriotism.<br>5. To cater for learning diversities of students and build up students' learning abilities through different resources.<br>6. To promote STEAM education across curriculum learning so as to enhance students' generic skills and inspire students' spirit in scientific research.<br>7. To encourage students to have e-reading so as to be more knowledgeable and enhance in learning abilities. <br>8. To optimize curriculum in school, strengthen value education to cultivate students' positive values.
Teacher Professional Training and Development The school is devoted to promoting professional development of teachers, through in-house and joint school experience-sharing sessions, teachers' competence were further enhanced.
Life-wide Learning Approximately 33 ECA clubs have been set up under the categories of academic subjects, music, arts, sports, public speaking, discipline training and social services.<br>Our students took part in different exchange programmes to Seoul, Japan, Singapore, Beijing, Xian, Guizhou, Shanghai, Liaoning, Guangzhou, the Three Gorges, Taiwan, etc. Our school has joined the pilot scheme of Sisters School Programme with Zhongshan Shi Shi Yan Zhong Xue which facilitates Mainland-Hong Kong cultural and intellectual interflow. Moreover, our students have the opportunity to participate in exchange activities with local secondary schools.