Hennessy Road Government Primary School (Causeway Bay)
Hennessy Road Government Primary School (Causeway Bay)

3 Eastern Hospital Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Our school motto is "Diligence, Thriftiness, Happiness and Courage". By providing our students with the best-quality and balanced education, regardless of their capabilities, class or race, our School aims to equip them with lifelong learning skills, and nurture them to become well-rounded citizens, with a holistic and personalized development based on moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic values.

Supervisor / Chairman of Management Committee Ms. Law Ka Wing
School Head Ms. Lo Pui Shan Phoebe
Finance Type Government
Session Whole Day
Student Gender Co-educational
Medium of Instruction Chinese
Sponsoring Body Government
Religion -
Year of Commencement of Operation 1949
School Motto Diligence, Thriftiness, Happiness, Courage
Area Occupied by the School About 5,000 Sq. M

Nominated Queen's College

School Fees -
Activity Fees -
PTA Fees -
Approved Charges for non-standard items -
Other Charges -

Number of teaching posts in the approved establishment 53
Total number of teachers in the school 56
Qualifications and professional training (%)
Teacher Certificate / Diploma in Education 100%
Bachelor Degree 98%
Master/ Doctorate Degree or above 34%
Special Education Training 53%
Years of Experience (%)
0 - 4 years 6%
5 - 9 years 21%
10 years or above 73%

P1 Number of classes 5
P2 Number of classes 5
P3 Number of classes 5
P4 Number of classes 5
P5 Number of classes 5
P6 Number of classes 5
Total 30

Number of Classroom(s) 30
Number of School Hall(s) 1
Number of Playground(s) 1
Number of Library(ies) 1
Special Rooms 13 special rooms, including Computer Room, 2 Music Rooms, Campus TV Control Room, 3 Remedial Teaching Rooms, Visual Arts Room, Language Room, Medical Room, Student Guidance Officer's Room and so on.
Facility(ies) for Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs Ramp, Accessible lift and Accessible toilet.
Others -

Mode of teaching at different levels Implement small class teaching approach in all levels. We offer after-school remedial classes to students with special educational needs.
Class Remarks -
Number of test(s) per year 2
Number of exam(s) per year 2
Diversified Assessment for Learning 1. Formative assessment for providing effective feedback (e.g. corrective, diagnostic) that motivates and improves learning and teaching.<br>2. Teachers design different tasks for pupils to tackle their learning difficulties.<br>3. P.1 first term use formative assessment replace the test.
Streaming arrangement Primary 1 : Mixed abilities; Primary 2-6: One class with better academic results, other 4 classes with mixed abilities.<br>