Our school upholds the five core values of Catholic Education - Truth, Justice, Love, Life, and Family, following the Preventive Education Philosophy of St. Don Bosco based on Reason, Religion and Loving-kindness. We appeal to nurture students in the spirit of Christian faith and fill their hearts with our love and care. They are also cultivated to be youths of purity and charity. Through participation in our multifarious academic and non-academic activities as well as other learning experiences, our students learn to be knowledgeable, proactive, righteous and civic-minded.

Supervisor / Chairman of Management Committee Sr. Chan Wai-Fan, Mabel
School Head Principal Au Yee Ling
Finance Type Aided
Session Whole Day
Student Gender Girls
Sponsoring Body Sisters Announcers of the Lord
Religion Catholicism
Year of Commencement of Operation 1971
School Motto Purity and Charity
Area Occupied by the School About 3,000 Sq. M

S1 -
S2 -
S3 -
S4 -
S5 -
S6 -
Parent-Teacher Association Fee (Annual) "$100"
Student Union / Association Fee "$20"
Approved Charges for non-standard items - Students' House fee ($25)<br>- Administration fee for GRWTH APP ($40)
Other Charges 0

Number of teaching posts in the approved establishment 52
Total number of teachers in the school 57
Qualifications and professional training (%)
Teacher Certificate / Diploma in Education 91%
Bachelor Degree 0%
Master/ Doctorate Degree or above 44%
Special Education Training 26%
Years of Experience (%)
0 - 4 years 21%
5 - 9 years 14%
10 years or above 65%

S1 Number of classes 4
S2 Number of classes 4
S3 Number of classes 4
S4 Number of classes 4
S5 Number of classes 4
S6 Number of classes 4

S.1 - S.3
Chinese as the medium of instruction Chinese Language, Chinese History, Putonghua, Ethics and Religious Education
English as the medium of instruction English Language, Mathematics, Science (S1-S2), STEM Education (S2), Life and Society, Biology (S3), Physics (S3), Chemistry (S3), History, Geography, Home Economics (S1-S2), Music, Visual Arts, Computer Literacy (S1 and S3), Physical Education
Adopt a different medium of instruction by class or by group / school-based curriculum -
S.4 - S.6
Chinese as the medium of instruction Chinese Language, Chinese History, Ethics and Religious Studies (HKDSE), Ethics and Religious Education
English as the medium of instruction English Language, Mathematics, Mathematics Extended Part Module 1, Citizenship and Social Development, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Information & Communication Technology, Economics, History, Geography, Business, Accounting & Financial Studies, Tourism & Hospitality Studies, Visual Arts, Music, Physical Education
Adopt a different medium of instruction by class or by group / school-based curriculum -

Language Policy We use English as the medium of instruction. In order to train moral behaviour more effectively, we use students' mother language in E&RE lessons. Other subjects that are taught in Chinese include Chinese Language and Chinese History. PTH subject is taught in PTH. (For details, please refer to the subjects offered in 2023-2024 and 2024-2025).
Learning and Teaching Strategies To inculcate life-long learning, all subjects adopt a life-wide learning approach that incorporates activities such as inter-school debates, field trips and public forums to let students step out of the classrooms and widen their horizons. We also organize learning strategy training and cooperative learning courses for students to strengthen their thinking and cooperation skills. To help students establish the habit of active learning, we launch a three-year progressive thinking and study skills training programme for all junior form students. We aim to enhance their learning effectiveness by offering them several training workshops and feedback sessions about different study skills.
School-based curriculum 1. Electives: 3X. Students may take three elective subjects (including Mathematics Extended Part and Applied Learning Courses) in S4-S6.<br> 2. Curriculum highlights: Our school has implemented several measures to improve students' Chinese and English language proficiency. We introduced drama in S1 and incorporated English literature in S2 and S3 for the English curriculum. We aim to cultivate students' expression and creativity in English through systematic learning. We have added cultural and literary elements to the junior levels for the Chinese curriculum. The "Chinese Culture Room" has been established, and diverse activities and competitions are conducted to enhance students' abilities in listening, speaking, reading, writing, thinking, self-learning, and interest in Chinese language learning. Moreover, we believe that students must become responsible citizens with an awareness of social issues, so we have introduced the subject 'Life and Society'. Teachers use current affairs sharing, newspaper clippings, and various interactive activities to enhance students' social awareness and expression skills.
Approach to Catering for Learner Diversity Our school has adopted small-class teaching according to students' Chinese, English, and Mathematics competency to cater to students' diverse learning abilities. Students are also encouraged to join the "After-School Support Service Programme" to consolidate what they have learnt during lessons. The school has organised school-based enrichment classes for senior levels to stretch students' abilities further and enrich their exposure to different learning experiences. By self-nomination, senior formers are encouraged to join specific training programmes The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education provides.<br>To pave the way for further studies and future careers, senior form students are also highly encouraged to enrol in summer courses offered by local and overseas universities.
Approach to Integrated Education Our school is committed to promoting inclusive values and implementing the Whole School Approach to Integrated Education to cater to diverse learning needs effectively. Through resources such as the learning support grant, we provide appropriate and collective support to students with special educational needs to enhance their learning effectiveness.<br>Our school's SEN team is composed of the guidance mistress, teachers, a teaching assistant, school social workers, and an educational psychologist. Based on students' individual needs, we provide appropriate support, including after-school learning support, social support, and special exam arrangements. We also develop an "Individualized Education Plan" that provides tailored learning programs for students after discussing with relevant professionals and parents.<br>We believe that parental participation and cooperation are crucial to the success of our support program. Our school involves parents and students in the entire process, ensuring that their views are heard and respected. We strive to create a collaborative environment that encourages open communication and a shared commitment to the success of each student.
Education Support for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students
Home-School Co-operation At our school, we value our strong partnership with parents, recognizing the importance of their support and cooperation in achieving our educational goals. To facilitate this relationship, we offer an orientation program for parents of S1 students and provide opportunities throughout the year for class teachers to share their insights on their daughters' progress. Our teachers also make phone calls whenever necessary to keep parents informed. We actively encourage parents to participate in school functions and volunteer as helpers. Our PTA, established for many years, arranges educational and recreational events for parents and students. They also serve as an advisory body for significant school issues, providing valuable input and feedback.
School Ethos Our school has a simple and pure culture, with well-behaved students and harmonious teacher-student relationships. Through active interaction between students and teachers, students can receive sufficient attention and support, and grow and develop in a harmonious learning environment.
School Development Plan Raising teaching quality and learning effectiveness and providing a comprehensive education for our students have been the two interlocking objectives of our school's development in recent years. To achieve these goals for improving learning effectiveness, we push forward the study skills and self-directed learning program, the super memory and the high flyers support program for our students. Besides that, we are launching a leadership scheme named ‘One Student One Post’ to encourage students to take on at least one post at the school level, such as Student Association Chairlady and the committee, House Captains, Prefects, Guidance Monitresses, etc.; or at the class level such as Class Monitresses, Subject Leaders, etc. Our goal is to help our student leaders develop their potential for leadership while serving others and becoming future leaders in society. On the other hand, our school is proactively promoting Values Education. Certain virtues (Conscience, Courage, Gratitude, Integrity, Humanity and Wisdom) will be permeated into our academic and non-academic activities, and meanwhile, the Core Values of Catholic Education are interweaving with the implementation of Values Education. We hope our students can consolidate and internalise the above-mentioned values, leading a positive life and exploring the greatness of life.
Teacher Professional Training and Development Our teaching team believes that quality education begins with quality lessons. All subject panels have been actively involved in "School-Based Support Services" provided by the EDB and the University of Hong Kong. Besides, all teachers participate actively in collaborative lesson preparation and peer classroom observation to enhance teaching effectiveness.
Life-wide Learning Our school has more than 40 extra-curricular activity groups, including interest groups, personal growth groups, uniform groups, academic groups, sports teams and religious groups.