1. Based on the teaching of the Bible, we provide whole-person education to help students grow intellectually, morally and spiritually. 2. We help students understand Christian faith and love through the practice and sharing of teachers. 3. We value the uniqueness of each student created in God's image through developing their own potential, independent thinking, and character building. 4. We cultivate students with sense of responsibility, rationality and affection so as to contribute to their national citizen identity.

Supervisor / Chairman of Management Committee Dr. Li Pak Hung
School Head Ms. Chan Wai Wa
Finance Type Direct Subsidy Scheme
Session Whole Day
Student Gender Co-educational
Sponsoring Body The China Holiness Church
Religion Protestantism / Christianity
Year of Commencement of Operation 1976
School Motto By Faith We Serve
Area Occupied by the School About 1,000 Sq. M

S1 "$4200"
S2 "$4200"
S3 "$4200"
S4 "$9250"
S5 "$9250"
S6 "$9800"
Parent-Teacher Association Fee (Annual) "$50"
Student Union / Association Fee "$20"
Approved Charges for non-standard items -
Other Charges 0

Number of teaching posts in the approved establishment -
Total number of teachers in the school 41
Qualifications and professional training (%)
Teacher Certificate / Diploma in Education 85%
Bachelor Degree 0%
Master/ Doctorate Degree or above 29%
Special Education Training 63%
Years of Experience (%)
0 - 4 years 39%
5 - 9 years 22%
10 years or above 39%

S1 Number of classes 2
S2 Number of classes 2
S3 Number of classes 2
S4 Number of classes 2
S5 Number of classes 2
S6 Number of classes 2

S.1 - S.3
Chinese as the medium of instruction Chinese Language, Mathematics, Putonghua, Christianity and Life Education, Chinese History, History, Geography, Life and Society, Computer and Technology, Integrated Science (S.1-S.2), Chemistry (S.3), Physics (S.3), Biology (S.3), Music, Visual Arts, Physical Education.
English as the medium of instruction English Language
Adopt a different medium of instruction by class or by group / school-based curriculum Classes at each form of S.1 to S.6 are differentiated by the total marks of Chinese and English languages and the language curricula are tailor-made according to students' abilities.
S.4 - S.6
Chinese as the medium of instruction Chinese Language, Mathematics (grouping according to students' abilities), Citizenship and Social Development<br>Visual Arts, Chinese History, Business, Accounting and Financial Studies, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Tourism and Hospitality, ICT, Physical Education, Christianity and Life Education, Experiential Learning, Cultural and Literature, Applied Learning, Mathematics (Extended Module)<br>#S.4 Electives: 3X / S.5 to S.6 Electives: 2X
English as the medium of instruction English Language (grouping according to students' abilities)<br>Authentic English (S.4-S.5) (grouping according to students' abilities)
Adopt a different medium of instruction by class or by group / school-based curriculum -

Language Policy Chinese is the medium of instruction in all forms
Learning and Teaching Strategies We value the Growth Mindset and Character Strengths of Positive Psychology and respect the uniqueness of each student through developing their potential, independent thinking, and character building. We emphasize continuous improvement in the learning progress of our students. We develop multimodal learning and teaching strategies to enhance learning motivations and learner autonomy. We carry out experiential learning through local and overseas study tours. We encourage reading and cultivate a self-regulated learning spirit among students. Peer lesson observation has become our culture to maintain high-quality classroom teaching.
School-based curriculum 1. Electives: 2X and 3X. S.4 3X/ S.5 to S.6 2X. Please refer to Subjects Offered in 2023/2024.<br> 2. Curriculum highlights: a. All-round education.<br>b. Chinese as the main medium of instruction.<br>c. Developing students' motivation to learn and the spirit for exploration.<br>d. Developing students' good learning habit.<br>e. Diversified modes of assessment and the use of both summative and formative assessment
Approach to Catering for Learner Diversity A dual class teacher system is implemented from Form 1 to Form 3. The Student Support Team assists in integrating students with special needs to build confidence to overcome their challenges. Efforts are also made to promote an inclusive culture, making the school harmonious and inclusive.<br>The school plan for 2023 to 2024 will focus on strengthening the development of “Positive Self-directed Learning”. We aim to establish a sense of well-being by enhancing students’ autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Furthermore, efforts are made to cultivate students' "Growth Mindset," enabling them to recognize, explore, and utilize their "Character Strengths" to build a sense of well-being and promote positive character education.
Approach to Integrated Education We aim at establishing inclusive values and cultivating a caring school culture. “Whole School Approach” is deployed to help support our students with special educational needs (SEN) as a part of integrated education. To strengthen the support in catering for our students’ needs, our school uses Learning Support Grant (LSG) to hire additional human resources and supporting services to enhance our students’ learning effectiveness and adaptation in the school life and facilitate a closer integration for them.<br><br>Our Student Support Team consists of Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO), educational psychologist (EP), school social workers, counsellors, supporting teachers and learning support assistants. The team collaborates with different functional groups in school to cater for student learning diversities. Measures that are implemented to help our students in school include after-school subject-based tutorial classes, study groups and social skills and communication skills training for students. Based on their individual needs, we arrange curriculum and assessment accommodations, coordinates collaborative lesson planning, and modifies teaching materials and methods. Our school’s educational psychologist also provides professional input into holding seminars for our teachers to develop their professional knowledge in aiding students with different special educational needs.<br><br>Peer supporting schemes such as “Caring Ambassadors” and “Big Brothers and Sisters” are implemented to help our students with SEN adapt to campus life through the help and support from peer tutors. We work with different organizations to provide various activities, such as, adventure experiences, basketball training programmes, appearance class, job-related experimental programmes.
Education Support for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students
Home-School Co-operation Our Parent-Teacher Association is dedicated to strengthening the connection between families and the school, fostering friendly relationships among parents and teachers. Through organizing a variety of school activities such as workshops, lectures, visits, field trips, and home visits, parents and teachers can discuss common concerns, and parents can gain an understanding of the school’s educational policies and operations. We work together to create a conducive learning environment for students. The Parent-Teacher Association regularly publishes “Bridging Home and School”, a publication that helps parents become more familiar with the school. Additionally, we organize lectures and workshops to enhance parents’ understanding of adolescents. Family activities such as excursions are also organized to build family relationships and foster student development.
School Ethos - Christian education<br>Based on the teachings of the Bible, the School nurtures our students with the love of Christ. We co-work with the church, the community and parents to provide students with quality whole-person education and cultivate their enthusiasm for serving.<br>- Committed teacher team<br>The School has a team of energetic, dedicated and caring teachers. We foster strong Teacher-Student Relationships. To enhance quality of teaching, teachers actively collaborate with one another and teachers from other schools.<br>- Whole-person education<br>The School aspires to develop students’ talents and learning abilities by providing various types of learning activities. Students are allocated to different classes/groups to cater for learning diversity.<br>- Solid & strong school ethos<br>The School nurtures students to build up their good characters by using our school rules and cultivating proper values.<br>- Home-school cooperation to help student growth<br>Our dual-class teacher system is established in junior forms to strengthen the partnership between teachers and parents. Through various programs, including parent seminars,& workshops, we support parents to foster the healthy growth of their children: physically, mentally, and spiritually.<br>- A campus & culture with love & care<br>The school has been awarded the honor of "Caring School" by the Hong Kong Christian Service for many years.
School Development Plan - Positive and self-directed learning education<br>Immersing in Bible-based positive values in our campus, students are helped to establish positive values, self-directed learning emotion and attitude. We encourage students to participate actively in diversified learning activities and build up healthy peer relationships. We encourage students to serve, to make personal accomplishment and to grow healthily both in physical and spiritual dimensions.
Teacher Professional Training and Development Teachers have obtained professional qualification and actively develop their teaching professions. Our teacher-development programs emphasize subject knowledge and mental enhancement through numerous opportunities, including Sunshine group, collaborative lesson planning, peer lesson observation, lesson seminars and open classrooms. In recent years, we have successfully implemented positive education. Our teachers are invited by various organizations and schools to share their professional experience.
Life-wide Learning The school offers a wide range of co-curricular activities including dance, drama, music, cookery, etc. These activities allow students to explore their potential.<br>Under the scheme of Life-wide learning, the school offers students a range of experiential learning opportunities in the aspects of Moral and Civic Education, Community Service, Career-related Experiences, Aesthetic Development and Physical Development.