In the spirit of Christ, we nurture students in the aspects of moral, intellectual, physical, social, aesthetic and spiritual development. We have the vision to cultivate them to develop positive values and become responsible and resilient individuals, with dignity and care towards others, as well as good citizens who demonstrate a sense of obligation and love to our country.

Supervisor / Chairman of Management Committee Revd. Chow Wai Man, Joseph
School Head Ms. Hui Wah Ying, Joelle
Finance Type Caput
Session Whole Day
Student Gender Co-educational
Sponsoring Body Anglican (Hong Kong) Secondary Schools Council Limited
Religion Protestantism / Christianity
Year of Commencement of Operation 1951
School Motto Jesus Christ is the foundation to build ourselves & others.
Area Occupied by the School About 5,598 Sq. M

S1 "$59830"
S2 "$59830"
S3 "$59830"
S4 "$66380"
S5 "$66380"
S6 "$66380"
Parent-Teacher Association Fee (Annual) $20 (Family unit)
Student Union / Association Fee "$20"
Approved Charges for non-standard items $350, Improvement of I.C.T. and teaching and learning facilities, maintenance, etc.
Other Charges 0

Number of teaching posts in the approved establishment 44
Total number of teachers in the school 46
Qualifications and professional training (%)
Teacher Certificate / Diploma in Education 76%
Bachelor Degree 0%
Master/ Doctorate Degree or above 37%
Special Education Training 32%
Years of Experience (%)
0 - 4 years 57%
5 - 9 years 13%
10 years or above 30%

S1 Number of classes 3
S2 Number of classes 3
S3 Number of classes 3
S4 Number of classes 3
S5 Number of classes 3
S6 Number of classes 3

S.1 - S.3
Chinese as the medium of instruction Chinese Language, Mathematics, Chinese History, Computer Literacy, Religious Studies, Music*, Physical Education, Visual Arts (S.2, S.3)*, Science (S.1, S.2), Science (S.3 Biology, Physics, Chemistry), Life and Society (S.2, S.3), Geography, Technology Education (S.1-S.3), Citizenship, Economics and Society (S.1), History (S.1).
English as the medium of instruction English Language
Adopt a different medium of instruction by class or by group / school-based curriculum -
S.4 - S.6
Chinese as the medium of instruction Chinese Language, Mathematics, Citizenship and Social Development, Chinese History, Geography, Economics, Business, Accounting and Financial Studies, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Visual Arts, Information and Communication Technology, Physical Education, Physical Education (DSE) (S.4, S.5), Mathematics Extended Part (Modules 1) (S.4), Japanese (DSE) (S.5, S.6), Religious Studies, Applied Learning.
English as the medium of instruction English Language
Adopt a different medium of instruction by class or by group / school-based curriculum Workplace English (S.4, S.5), Subject-based project learning (S.4)

Language Policy Our school adopts Chinese as the medium of instruction, but we also put much emphasis on training and enhancing students' English proficiency. 1) To create an English learning environment and boost students’ ability in using English in different contexts. 2) To boost students' English proficiency, support is provided through various means, including: i) two additional NETs, who help students practise their listening and speaking; ii) English Mission Team (EMT), comprising church members who volunteer to provide guidance in English-learning and share life experience on a weekly, one-to-one basis; iii) Financial Times Programme, through which a native-speaking teacher guides students through the reading of articles. Emphasis is placed on developing an attitude of self-learning through the adoption of blended learning and the provision of online learning materials, which also serves to consolidate in-person learning; iv)To boost senior-form students’ English competence through the introduction of a Workplace English course.
Learning and Teaching Strategies We teach students in accordance to their competence. In the spirit of God, we aim at providing quality education for the benefits of all students. We cater for different learners’ needs through implementing streamed and split classes, and actively participating in various school-based professional support services in order to enhance our teaching quality, such as: 1) English streaming classes and small-size class teaching. 2) Group-based and small-class teaching in S.4 and S.5 mathematics 3) Assignments and assessments strategies.
School-based curriculum 1. Electives: 2X and 3X. 4 core subjects and 2 or 3 elective subjects are provided for students.<br> 2. Curriculum highlights: Subject-based project learning, Cross-curriculum STEM learning activities, field trips, life-wide learning program, Religion & Life Education, Inter-disciplinary learning.<br>3. Co-operation with Nan Fung Group: To provide a ‘Campus Multimedia Production Training Course’ for S.4 students in 2023-2024. <br>4. Workplace English course for S.4 - S.5 students.
Approach to Catering for Learner Diversity 1. English streaming classes and small-size class teaching; Group-based and small-class teaching in S.4 and S.5 mathematics.<br>2. After–school English and Maths tutorials are provided for S.1-6 students to give them extra help and support.<br>3. All Saints’ Oasis was established in 2006. It provides after-school leisure activities, integrated tutorial classes, training and a study room for students.<br>4. The school has two social workers, one NAC social worker and two activity organizers, who help with students’ whole-person development. <br>5. The ‘Peer Power – Student Gatekeeper Training Programme’ promotes a culture of friendship and support on campus.<br>6. The ‘Mental Health @ School" promotes students’ physical, mental and spiritual well-being.<br>7. The ‘JC VOLUNTEER TOGETHER – School Based Programme’ helps students to develop positive values, such as care and empathy.<br>8. The Constitution and Basic Law Student Ambassadors Training Scheme allows students to develop their sense of national awareness and patriotism.<br>9. Leadership training: student leaders were trained by prefects, heads of house, school society members and senior students.<br>10. OLE period: held every Friday, providing students with over 22 activities in order to promote the development of students’ character and potential.
Approach to Integrated Education 1. Objectives: Assist students in adapting to regular learning activities by speech therapists and educational psychologist and organising after-school support groups for students with SEN; To encourage all teachers to cater for learner diversity; Enhance teachers’ awareness in catering for learning diversity. <br>2. Support strategies: (a) Students' level: (1) Interview or assessment for possible cases of SEN students by school-based educational psychologist through referrals; (2) Arrangements of speech therapy sessions, interest groups, after-school support groups or other appropriate support services for students with similar special education needs; (3) Drawing up of Individual Education Plan (IEP) for students receiving Tier-3: Support. (b)Teachers’ level: (1) Organising teachers’ workshops/seminars; (2) Various professional development courses.(c) Parents’level: (1) Organising seminars and workshops/ face-to-face meetings.
Education Support for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students
Home-School Co-operation Regular meetings by Parent-teacher Association (PTA) are arranged to plan activities to cultivate the collaboration between parents and the school. These activities include family outings and interest classes for parents. Besides, various seminars are arranged to cater to parents’ needs, so as to help with students’ growth. Parents are also encouraged to actively participate as volunteers in school activities, e.g. All Saints’ Carnival, as well as participate in relays on School Sports Day.
School Ethos Our school pays much attention to students’ discipline. We have set up Religion and Life Education Team. Through assemblies and morning prayers, we establish students’ moral and spiritual values as well as strengthen positive education. There are regular student fellowship gatherings in school. An educational psychologist and 4 school social workers provide assistance for students. The founder of our school, Sheng Kung Hui All Saints' Cathedral, provides a variety of scholarships and grants for students. The Cathedral collaborates with our school and provides services and organizes activities for students. There are 6 chaplains supporting the student development in our school. We also organize different schemes with different organizations to cultivate students’ whole-person development. These organizations include St. James' Settlement, YMCA (Jordan), The Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China (CCC), International Social Service Hong Kong Branch, Life Workshop, Hong Kong Children and Youth Services and so on. These activities aim at providing students with diverse leadership building opportunities, and help them discover their potential talents and abilities.
School Development Plan Concerns in the coming three years:<br>1. Self-directed learning: Implement blended learning and reshape cross-curricular project learning.<br>2. Positive thinking: Optimize progression of growth and strengthen in-class value education.
Teacher Professional Training and Development 1. To enhance quality teaching, several teacher professional development days are arranged every year.<br>2. In-service training (esp. SEN training and interflow) are encouraged among teachers. <br>3. Mentorship programme for new teachers is set up to help new teachers get familiar with the school culture.<br>4. Common periods for lesson preparation, peer observation and meetings for form subject coordinators are assigned to foster collaboration among teachers and enhance their teaching efficiency.<br>5. Promote teaching effectiveness by encouraging teachers to share their teaching resources.<br>6. Promote positive education.<br>7. Promote STEM education and e-learning.<br>8. Promote Assessment for Learning.<br>9. Participate in EDB school-based support scheme.
Life-wide Learning During OLE periods, over 22 activities and interest classes are offered, including Student Fellowship, Library Society, English Society, Art Society, violin classes, board games, art, Mbot, balloon-twisting, calligraphy, Taekwondo, photography, hip-hop/K-pop dance, Japanese, comic-drawing, self-care, magic, electronic keyboard classes, sandpainting, Western calligraphy, chess, and Tai Chi / Wing Chun. We also have 14 additional after-school activities, including Scouts, Red Cross, JPC, choir, boys’ basketball team, table tennis team, track and field team, rope-skipping team, handchime team, Community Youth Club, STEM team, campus TV, strings group, and Chinese dance.