Inspired by Catholic Christian ideals, we provide a balanced formation to our students with an aim to offer a whole person education that encompasses academic formation as well as character formation.

Supervisor / Chairman of Management Committee Dr. Peter Herbert
School Head Mr. Law Chun Ping
Finance Type Direct Subsidy Scheme
Session Whole Day
Student Gender Boys
Sponsoring Body East Asian Educational Association
Religion Catholicism
Year of Commencement of Operation 2000
School Motto IN LABORE GAUDIUM (Joy in Duty)
Area Occupied by the School About 12,000 Sq. M

S1 "$22000"
S2 "$22000"
S3 "$22000"
S4 "$22000"
S5 "$22000"
S6 "$22000"
Parent-Teacher Association Fee (Annual) "$70"
Student Union / Association Fee -
Approved Charges for non-standard items -
Other Charges 0

Number of teaching posts in the approved establishment -
Total number of teachers in the school 64
Qualifications and professional training (%)
Teacher Certificate / Diploma in Education 96%
Bachelor Degree 0%
Master/ Doctorate Degree or above 74%
Special Education Training 19%
Years of Experience (%)
0 - 4 years 11%
5 - 9 years 26%
10 years or above 63%

S1 Number of classes 4
S2 Number of classes 4
S3 Number of classes 4
S4 Number of classes 4
S5 Number of classes 4
S6 Number of classes 4

S.1 - S.3
Chinese as the medium of instruction Chinese Language, Chinese History, Physical Education, Putonghua, Religious Studies & Ethics
English as the medium of instruction Computer Literacy, English Language, Geography, Integrated Science, Mathematics, Music, Visual Arts
Adopt a different medium of instruction by class or by group / school-based curriculum Life & Society
S.4 - S.6
Chinese as the medium of instruction Chinese History, Chinese Language, History, Citizenship and Social Development, Physical Education, Religious Studies & Ethics
English as the medium of instruction Biology, Business, Accounting & Financial Studies (BAFS), Chemistry, Economics, English Language, Geography, Information and Communication Technology, Mathematics (can take Extended Part Module I or II), Physics, Visual Arts
Adopt a different medium of instruction by class or by group / school-based curriculum Applied Learning courses

Language Policy In order to improve students' English standards, several Native English-speaking teachers are employed for teaching English and other subjects. English speaking lessons are provided to enhance students' speaking skills. We also encourage the students to use and practice their English more often through the Morning Reading Programme and the extra-curricular activities. In senior form Chinese lessons, effective grouping was used. In Form 6 English lessons, we use co-teaching or split classes according to the needs.
Learning and Teaching Strategies Aim to provide a whole person education. In order to strengthen the overall curriculum development, the subjects are grouped into different Subject Streams in line with the Key Learning Areas. The pastoral and spiritual formation of the students is taken care by the School Chaplains. In order to provide a close monitoring and support to our students, we have assigned a teacher for each form, from Adaptation, Transition to Fortification in order to support them to enroll in the curriculum for the HKDSE (Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education) examinations.<br>We have Morning Reading Programme to help the students form their reading habit and comprehension skill, which will facilitate the creation of an environment for study. The students are required to read recommended books from the Class library silently during Class Tutor Period in the classroom.<br>Our School also strengthened the e-Learning. We will allow students to use electronic tablets during the lessons in order to enhance the effectiveness and interaction during learning and teaching.
School-based curriculum 1. Electives: 2X and 3X. All electives will be arranged depending on students' preferences and abilities. There are around 100 subject combinations. Some electives will be conducted outside the normal class time including Applied Learning courses.<br> 2. Curriculum highlights: Please refer to our homepage - http://www.tsss.edu.hk/curriculum/highlights.htm
Approach to Catering for Learner Diversity We provide different programmes for the whole school such as tutoring system to facilitate interaction among students and teachers. Also, students are welcome to attend the after-school homework clinic.
Approach to Integrated Education Our school has formed a Student Support Team (SST). With the help of the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO), the Counselling Head and Educational Psychologist, etc. SST strives to help students with special educational needs and to assist teachers in their field. We utilize school funding and subsidies from the Education Bureau (EDB) to provide the most catered assistance for students with learning difficulties. The all-round supports we have fostered in our school include reading and writing training workshops, adaptive adjustments on assessments and teachings, social-skill improvement groups, language and speaking workshops, and concentration enhancement trainings, etc. <br><br>The team also releases useful information concerning the supports for SEN students on a regular basis. While all the teachers in our school are actively involved in collaborative lesson plannings and adaptive curriculum reformations, students’ learning progress is closely monitored and reviewed and necessary improvements are constantly prompted. <br><br>As for tests and examinations, SST coordinates with the school to make the most suitable and needed arrangements such as lengthening examination time, opening special examination rooms, and providing screen readers, etc. These all could help guarantee that assessments of students with special educational needs are implemented appropriately and suitably.
Education Support for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students
Home-School Co-operation The school has established the Parent-Teacher Association to support the school policy. Also, the Incorporated Management Committee included the Parent Manager in helping the setting of the school development.
School Ethos The School promoted whole-person education on every student with individual pastoral care. Hence, apart form the class tutors and subject teachers, we provide each student with a personal tutor. The tutor meets with the student at least quarterly to help him set his goals, plan his studies, form his character, and develop his innate potential.
School Development Plan We believe the success of the whole person education is to create a learning environment for individual growth, and to provide students a balanced formation that encompasses academic as well as character development. With the formation of the parents, teachers and students as the long-term goal, we help the parents to become of the primary educators of their children, and the partners of the education process, so that the students can receive the whole person education for the service of the society and develop perfect character for the rest of their life.
Teacher Professional Training and Development Four Staff Development Days / Meetings are organized every year. We also encourage teachers to join various professional development courses and share their experiences with other colleagues. The school has arranged weekly schedule for teachers to conduct sharing. Our School also encourages teachers to share on their teaching pedagogy and hence we have arranged some periods for collaborative lesson preparation in order to enhance the effective of the teaching and learning in the class.
Life-wide Learning To enable the student accomplish their full potential with a balanced formation, the school encourages students to participate in the extra-curricular activities. There are different clubs and societies, with activities covering arts, academic and personal growth (moral & virtues formation, academic formation, physical & health formation, service & civic education, arts & aesthetic education, and pastoral & spiritual formation). The core programmes are uniform groups, the OSOSA (One Student One Sport/Service & Art) programme for the junior forms and the AWE (Activity Week Experience) Programme for the whole school.