Based on the Christians belief of education and the principles of Daughters of Mary Help of Christians with "loving-kindness, reason, religion" as emphases, together with the pedagogy of precaution as the focus, students are motivated to value their life, respect one another by means of rational communication and religious knowledge. Students are joyful and confident even in adversity.

Supervisor / Chairman of Management Committee Sister Wu Miu Yin Carolina
School Head Sister Ng Man Kin Regina
Finance Type Private
Session Whole Day
Student Gender Girls
Medium of Instruction Chinese & English
Sponsoring Body Daughters of M.H.C.
Religion Catholicism
Year of Commencement of Operation 1953
School Motto Purity and Charity (Purity and probity for self-discipline; benevolence and caring to others)
Area Occupied by the School About 5,586 Sq. M

School Fees "$42000 (in 10 instalments)"
Activity Fees -
PTA Fees "$70"
Approved Charges for non-standard items "$8,000"
Other Charges -

Number of teaching posts in the approved establishment -
Total number of teachers in the school 24
Qualifications and professional training (%)
Teacher Certificate / Diploma in Education 90%
Bachelor Degree 92%
Master/ Doctorate Degree or above 42%
Special Education Training 25%
Years of Experience (%)
0 - 4 years 25%
5 - 9 years 25%
10 years or above 50%

P1 Number of classes 4
P2 Number of classes 2
P3 Number of classes 2
P4 Number of classes 3
P5 Number of classes 3
P6 Number of classes 3
Total 17

Number of Classroom(s) 24
Number of School Hall(s) 2
Number of Playground(s) 2
Number of Library(ies) 1
Special Rooms Chapel, STREAM Room, Music Room, S.G.O. Room, R.S. Room, Meeting Room, Teaching Resources Room, Social Services Room, Visual Art Room, P.T.A. Function Room, Percussion Room, English Room.
Facility(ies) for Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs Ramp, Accessible lift and Accessible toilet.
Others School campus TV.

Mode of teaching at different levels Small size class, Provide a wide variety of activities for remedial teaching like consolidation class, "Big Sisters" and peer group programme.
Class Remarks -
Number of test(s) per year 2
Number of exam(s) per year 2
Diversified Assessment for Learning Class observation & extra-curricular activities for learners' attitude, formative & summative assessments (tests & exams) for cognitive development, project learning, book report and creative writing for interpersonal skill and problem solving ability.
Streaming arrangement Mixed ability classes from P.1 to P.6.