We uphold and practise the Five Core Value of Catholic school (Truth, Justice, Love, Life and Family). With the grace of God, we aim to nurture in students a positive attitude to life and become a productive citizen. Always promote Chinese culture and contribute fully to our society.

Supervisor / Chairman of Management Committee Mr. Chan Tak Hung Philip
School Head Mr. Shu King
Finance Type Aided
Session Whole Day
Student Gender Co-educational
Medium of Instruction Chinese(incl.: Putonghua) and English
Sponsoring Body Hong Kong Catholic Diocesan
Religion Catholicism
Year of Commencement of Operation 1962
School Motto Strive to be a better self under God's grace.
Area Occupied by the School About 2,000 Sq. M

School Fees -
Activity Fees -
PTA Fees "$50"
Approved Charges for non-standard items "$280"
Other Charges -

Number of teaching posts in the approved establishment 41
Total number of teachers in the school 45
Qualifications and professional training (%)
Teacher Certificate / Diploma in Education 100%
Bachelor Degree 100%
Master/ Doctorate Degree or above 37%
Special Education Training 40%
Years of Experience (%)
0 - 4 years 0%
5 - 9 years 7%
10 years or above 93%

P1 Number of classes 2
P2 Number of classes 2
P3 Number of classes 3
P4 Number of classes 4
P5 Number of classes 4
P6 Number of classes 4
Total 19

Number of Classroom(s) 24
Number of School Hall(s) 1
Number of Playground(s) 1
Number of Library(ies) 1
Special Rooms Computer Room, Student Activity Centre, Multi-Purpose Rooms, English Learning Centre, Intensive Remedial Teaching Classroom, Garden, Student Guidance Room, Music Room and Prayer Room.
Facility(ies) for Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs
Others Top 10 attractions: Wong Tin Avenue of Stars, Picasso Drawing, Play-zone, Smart Skippers, Darting Darts, STEM Wall, Shoot a Goal, Merry Bubbles, etc.

Mode of teaching at different levels Small class teaching is implemented in P.1-P.6. Elite classes and intensive remedial classes are set in Key Stage 2. The support for students with diverse learning needs is enhanced through the New Funding Mode for primary schools.
Class Remarks -
Number of test(s) per year 0
Number of exam(s) per year 3
Diversified Assessment for Learning Our school is accredited under the Quality Assessment Management Accreditation Scheme (QAMAS) by HKEAA. Our school excels in delivering high quality examinations and adopting good assessment practices. There are questions in various modes of assessment such as formative assessment and project learning to stimulate students' creativity and high-order thinking. Various parties are also involved in assessment.
Streaming arrangement We stream our Primary 4 to 6 students in accordance with their performance in Chinese, English and Maths in each academic year. Top students are selected into an elite class based on their total marks of Chinese, English and Maths. The rest of students are evenly distributed to other classes.