To promote the ethos of Christian whole-person education and inspire Gospel-centred learning. To create an enjoyable learning environment for children to attain a holistic and balanced development of the spiritual, moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic well-being.

Supervisor / Chairman of Management Committee MS CHOW YIN YUNG ESTHER
School Category Non-profit-making
School Founding Year 1897
Number of Registered Classrooms 16
Outdoor Playground Yes
Indoor Playground Yes
Music Room Yes
Other Special Room(s) / Area(s) The new 8-storey academic building consists of a lecture room, a black box theatre, a smart library, a KG Wondrous Playland, a music room, and a cookery room.

Supervisor / Chairman of Management Committee Ms. Chow Yin Yung Esther
School Head Principal DUTHIE CHUANG Sha-li Shirley
Finance Type Private
Session Am
Student Gender Co-educational
Medium of Instruction Chinese(incl.: Putonghua) and English
Sponsoring Body Tsung Tsin Mission of HK
Religion Protestantism / Christianity
Year of Commencement of Operation 1897
School Motto And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
Area Occupied by the School About 9,000 Sq. M

School Fees "$61200 English Primary School Section"
Activity Fees -
PTA Fees "$50"
Approved Charges for non-standard items "$19460 English / Chinese (Putonghua) Enhancement Programmes"
Other Charges $88420 International Junior School Section

Number of teaching posts in the approved establishment -
Total number of teachers in the school 69
Qualifications and professional training (%)
Teacher Certificate / Diploma in Education 100%
Bachelor Degree 100%
Master/ Doctorate Degree or above 36%
Special Education Training 1%
Years of Experience (%)
0 - 4 years 68%
5 - 9 years 9%
10 years or above 23%

P1 Number of classes 5
P2 Number of classes 4
P3 Number of classes 4
P4 Number of classes 4
P5 Number of classes 4
P6 Number of classes 4
Total 25

Number of Classroom(s) 25
Number of School Hall(s) 2
Number of Playground(s) 2
Number of Library(ies) 1
Special Rooms The new 8-storey academic building consists of a lecture room, a black box theatre, a smart library, a future classroom, a STEAM room, a music room, a Visual Arts room and a cookery room.
Facility(ies) for Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs Accessible lift and Accessible toilet.
Others Wireless network coverage throughout the entire school, and each classroom is equipped with a touch panel.

Mode of teaching at different levels JP4-6 students are placed in ability groups for English and Mathematics as applicable each year.
Class Remarks 1. Chinese Language is taught in Putonghua by 34 Native-speaking Putonghua Teachers.<br>2. English Language is taught by 28 Native-speaking English Teachers.
Number of test(s) per year 0
Number of exam(s) per year 2
Diversified Assessment for Learning Summative assessment for core subjects is conducted twice a school year. Formative assessment, including students' performances in class, coursework and project work, is embedded in the curriculum to encourage students to become reflective learners and continue to strive for excellence.
Streaming arrangement Mixed ability classes are offered: 3 classes per grade in the English Primary School Section and 1-2 class(es) per grade in the International Junior School Section.