By adhering to the spirit of the Gospel, great significance is placed on developing students' moral values as well as independent and critical thinking. We are dedicated to creating an environment conducive to learning and encouraging students to strive assiduously towards excellence. Establishing a strong and solid foundation, like the living stone of St. Peter of the Catholic Church, is the focus of the curriculum. We are also devoted to nurturing our students' sense of citizenship, which enables them to care about the society and love the nation.

Supervisor / Chairman of Management Committee Rev. Ng Kwok Po
School Head Ms. Lam Wai Man
Finance Type Aided
Session Whole Day
Student Gender Co-educational
Medium of Instruction Chinese
Sponsoring Body The Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong
Religion Catholicism
Year of Commencement of Operation 1958
School Motto To Love God and Mankind; To Seek Virtue and Knowledge
Area Occupied by the School About 6,200 Sq. M

School Fees -
Activity Fees -
PTA Fees "$35"
Approved Charges for non-standard items "$300"
Other Charges -

Number of teaching posts in the approved establishment 43
Total number of teachers in the school 44
Qualifications and professional training (%)
Teacher Certificate / Diploma in Education 93%
Bachelor Degree 100%
Master/ Doctorate Degree or above 27%
Special Education Training 36%
Years of Experience (%)
0 - 4 years 11%
5 - 9 years 21%
10 years or above 68%

P1 Number of classes 3
P2 Number of classes 3
P3 Number of classes 3
P4 Number of classes 4
P5 Number of classes 4
P6 Number of classes 4
Total 21

Number of Classroom(s) 24
Number of School Hall(s) 1
Number of Playground(s) 1
Number of Library(ies) 1
Special Rooms STREAM Multi-intelligence Learning Room, STEM+ Room, Art Room, Religious Room, Music Room, Multi-Purpose Activity Room, English Room, P.E. Room, Counselling Room & Medical Room.
Facility(ies) for Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs Ramp, Accessible lift and Tactile guide path plan.
Others Basketball court, Speech Therapist Rm, Study Rm, Meeting Rm, Conference Rm, Sick Rm, St. Peter's Garden, Tuckshop & St Peter's Art Gallery

Mode of teaching at different levels In coordinate with small class teaching, our school adopts Co-operative Learning Mode in planning and deploying the lessons. Students participate actively in interactive learning activities. Also, mixed ability grouping is adopted in lessons to cater for student's learning diversity.
Class Remarks -
Number of test(s) per year 0
Number of exam(s) per year 3
Diversified Assessment for Learning Other than annual summative assessments, students are formatively assessed in terms of Show and Tell, Chinese Dictation, English Dictation, project learning, task work and etc. Different modes of assessment (e.g. self-assessment, peer assessment and parent evaluations) are also included.
Streaming arrangement Student's academic performance and learning abilities (P.5 to P.6).