Our mission is to witness God's love and serve people through Christianity. We provide whole-person education with equal stress on academic and moral development aiming at a life-long learning capacity for self-learning, critical thinking, spirit of discovery, creativity and adaptability.

Supervisor / Chairman of Management Committee Rev. Tsui Yuk-fan
School Head Ms. Chin Kwan-ying
Finance Type Aided
Session Whole Day
Student Gender Co-educational
Sponsoring Body Anglican (Hong Kong) Secondary Schools Council Limited
Religion Protestantism / Christianity
Year of Commencement of Operation 1963
School Motto Learning to Reach the Truth
Area Occupied by the School About 6,564 Sq. M

S1 -
S2 -
S3 -
S4 -
S5 -
S6 -
Parent-Teacher Association Fee (Annual) "$50"
Student Union / Association Fee "$15"
Approved Charges for non-standard items -
Other Charges 0

Number of teaching posts in the approved establishment 58
Total number of teachers in the school 69
Qualifications and professional training (%)
Teacher Certificate / Diploma in Education 83%
Bachelor Degree 0%
Master/ Doctorate Degree or above 40%
Special Education Training 22%
Years of Experience (%)
0 - 4 years 32%
5 - 9 years 12%
10 years or above 56%

S1 Number of classes 4
S2 Number of classes 4
S3 Number of classes 4
S4 Number of classes 4
S5 Number of classes 4
S6 Number of classes 4

S.1 - S.3
Chinese as the medium of instruction Chinese Language, Putonghua, Religious Studies (Christianity)*, "Citizenship, Economics and Society", Music*, Physical Education*, Visual Arts*, Chinese History, History, Geography
English as the medium of instruction English Language
Adopt a different medium of instruction by class or by group / school-based curriculum Mathematics*, Integrated Science (S.1-S.2)*, Physics (S.3), Chemistry (S.3), Biology (S.3), Computer Literacy*, Technology & Living*
S.4 - S.6
Chinese as the medium of instruction Chinese Language, Citizenship and Social Development, Religious Education (S.4 & S.5), Physical Education, Business, Accounting & Financial Studies, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Chinese History, Chinese Literature, Economics, Geography, History, Information & Communication Technology, Visual Arts, Theme-based Learning Curriculum, Japanese Language, Applied Learning
English as the medium of instruction English Language
Adopt a different medium of instruction by class or by group / school-based curriculum Some classes use English as the MOI in Mathematics, Mathematics (Extended Part Module 1), Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Information & Communication Technology, History, Business, Accounting & Financial Studies, Geography, Economics, Visual Arts

Language Policy The school is implementing the bilingual education policy with the aims of fostering students’ proficiency in both spoken and written Chinese and English and oral competence in Putonghua. To enhance students' bi-literacy and tri-lingualism, we have a Native-speaking English Teacher and two Putonghua teachers. There are facilities like STEM Lab (Maker Space), Communication Arts Centre and School Campus TV, and activities like English Mornings, Drama Festival and Language Arts Festival to arouse students' interest in improving their languages. Several subjects use Chinese as the teaching medium with extended learning activities in English.
Learning and Teaching Strategies We aim at providing quality education and encouraging life-wide learning. We lay stress on students' language proficiency in communication, competence in information technology, learning skills and interest in learning for the life-long learning capacity. Various scholarships and awards are offered to motivate students to learn. To suit students' interest and abilities, to match curricular reforms and social developments and to keep abreast of the times, we tailor-make our curricula for students, integrating our school-based curricula and implementing project learning across curricula.
School-based curriculum 1. Electives: 2X and 3X. <br>X1: Information & Communication Technology, Chinese Literature, Chemistry, Economics, History, Geography<br>X2: Business, Accounting & Financial Studies, Biology, Chinese History, Information & Communication Technology, Physics, Visual Arts<br>X3: Economics, Biology, M1, Theme-based Learning Curriculum, Applied Learning, Japanese Language <br> 2. Curriculum highlights: School-based Curriculum (S.1-S.3)<br>(1) Chinese Language: (a) Literary or classical Chinese text teaching is conducted for S.1-S.3; (b) Virtues and passion for culture are to be cultivated and knowledge of literature is to be acquired through provision of contexts emphasizing the process of learning, internalization, reflection and application. The Chinese Department of S.K.H. St. Mary’s Church Mok Hing Yiu College and the Chinese University of Hong Kong successfully applied to the Hong Kong Jockey Club for a funding of over twenty million Hong Kong dollars for the implementation of the Virtual Reality (VR): Hong Kong Landscape And Literary Writing Learning Program that operates with VR technology for the purpose of enhancing students’ independent learning, Chinese reading and writing competence, passion for Chinese literature and care for folks in normal classrooms through immersion in literature-rich VR scenes that facilitate a deep observation of particular sites, the communities and the locals there without having to explore outside the classroom.<br>(2) English Language: The “From-end-to-beginning” approach is adopted, treating the expected outcome in HKDSE English for senior formers as the basis of effective bridging from junior form curricula at different stages. <br>(3) Citizenship, Economics and Society: The curriculum aims to help students to achieve self-understanding and a good awareness of the current issues and changes in Hong Kong, China and other parts of the world through “e-learning” and ‘Enquiry Learning’.
Approach to Catering for Learner Diversity The school is run with Christianity. All our teachers care and teach students without discrimination. To care students' mixed abilities, we offer small-group teaching for Chinese, English and Mathematics, and enhancement and remedial courses. The school has set up Student Support Team to provide support service to Special Educational Needs (SEN) students.
Approach to Integrated Education Our school strives to build a culture of integration and acceptance, adopting a “Whole School Approach” in catering for Special Education Needs (SEN) students. With a learning support grant, additional funds and social resources, we provide SEN students with appropriate and diversified support to enhance their learning effectiveness and uncovering their potentials and interests for better integration in their school life.<br>Our SEN Support Team consists of an SEN coordinator, an educational psychologist, school social workers, teachers of Chinese, English, Mathematics and Liberal Studies, and a teaching assistant. Besides, there is collaboration between the SEN Support Team and other subjects or committees for concerted support for SEN students. Every year the learning support grant is flexibly used for subscribing to professional services which organize programmes for different SEN categories.<br>Moreover, our school provides adjustments to learning and assessment of SEN students alongside the design of individual learning schedules as appropriate support.<br>School-family collaboration is highly appreciated, rendering effective multi-channelled communication and discussion with the parents concerned for supportive strategies.
Education Support for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students
Home-School Co-operation Other than organizing talks for parents and parent-child activities, our Parent-teacher Association sponsors 'Language Improvement Awards' and a number of English Enhancement activities.
School Ethos Our school has been highly recognized by the community for the culture of simplicity and our students’ high standards of conduct and behaviours. Every teacher is involved in discipline and counseling work. We have two class teachers to take care each class, enabling a co-operation between teachers and students to develop a good school ethos and an enjoyable campus. We also have discipline prefects, tutorial classes and enhancement schemes for Chinese, English and Mathematics. Besides, we have a counseling team, a school pastor, 2 school social workers, an education psychologist to take care of students' psychological and religious development.
School Development Plan 1. Enhance the efficiency in teaching & learning; Build a language rich environment<br>2. Instil a positive and proactive value; Emphasize self confidence and self esteem<br>3. Prioritize gifted education; Stretch students' potentials.
Teacher Professional Training and Development We stress and support teachers' professional development. Every year there are at least three Teachers' Professional Development Days to match the trend of education development and meet teachers' needs. Furthermore, our teachers actively joined professional courses run by the Education Bureau and tertiary institutes, professional exchange programmes, projects of the Curriculum Development Institute, talks and workshops.
Life-wide Learning Under the five main categories of academic studies, sports, interest, religion and social services, some 30 clubs and groups are set up. There are Language Arts Festival, Academic Week, Health Education Week, Drama Festival, OLE Day, and competitions, cultural activities & exchange programmes outside school.